Woot woot! Our sails are back from the sailmaker after getting a little stitching TLC. I was beginning to miss those sails, although with all our boat projects lately, we haven’t even moved the boat from her slip in a few weeks.
You may recall this post at the tail end of September where we were taking down our sails for some maintenance and repair work. We hauled both our jib and main down to Bronwen the Sailmaker on Marco Island (she came highly recommended as the best in Southwest Florida!) and she’s been working her magic freshening up our sails ever since.
This week, Bronwen dropped both off to us at the city dock…in two tightly wrapped, perfect little packages. Let’s just say, neatly folding the sails on take-down was not our strong suit. We chatted with Bronwen for a bit and were thrilled to hear she thought our sails were actually in excellent condition and considered a top-notch brand! Bronwen thought both sails were about four to six years old; the main had a few random pinholes (hmmm??? not sure what that’s about?); the jib was in better condition than the main; and someone might have left the sail cover off our main for a bit because it had a bit of sun damage. …And Bronwen might help us with some canvas work in the near future.

^^Oliver supervising as usual.^^

^^so much easier to work with when it’s perfectly folded and rolled! someone please teach me how to do this.^^
Although we only had about an hour or so before sunset, Jereme and I decided to go ahead and put the main back up.
Reattaching the sail went a little smoother than taking it down, but (let’s not lie) there were still a few choice words exchanged between the two of us.

^^halfway there.^^

^^totally unrelated comment but how great is Jereme’s “longer” hair?! Right?!!!^^
We got the main back up (minus threading the battens), but the jib will have to wait for another day — we ran out of sunlight. I think we can safely cross this one off the project list!
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