A whole lot of randomness going on around these parts.
But can we first talk about how delicious the avocados are here in Puerto Rico? OMG, seriously de.lish. We’ve been eating them on burgers, sandwiches, mashed up in guac, with quesadillas, you name it.
Um, we just ordered another 880 doggie poop bags. So that’s something. Lol. Who knew we could blow through our first stash of at least 500 so damn quickly? We’ve got one serious poodlepants pooperpants on board.
So our stent as the ONLY cruisers here in Puerto Real, Cabo Rojo has come to an end. The very first *other* cruisers just rolled in the other day after making the same crossing from the Dominican Republic that we did back in July. You know what that means…hurricane season is almost over! Woot woot! PS – I cannot even believe it was J-U-L-Y when we arrived. Time sure does fly!
On the to-do list: this sammie.
Um, all the pumpkiny-halloweeny-autumny-goodies and the cute-layered-scarf-and-boot looks that keep popping up in my Pinterest feed have me reeling from some serious Fall withdrawal. Not that we ever really had a true Fall season in Florida, but still.
In other news, Jereme read a book “for fun” this week when he usually only reads “to learn.” Ya, I don’t get the “not-wanting-to-read-for-fun” part either. But he finally picked up this book and couldn’t put it down. Not sure it counts as “fun” since it’s a mind-blowing memoir/historical account of one of the worst attacks on Navy Seals in history, but I’ll give him credit anyway. PS – it was so compelling he read it all in one day.
Oh and since I’ve been talking about the stupid dinghy air leak for the past few weeks, might as well let everyone know we finally got around to patching the pin hole leak yesterday! But more on that later. :))
If you’re looking for your life’s purpose, read this. Seriously.
Happy Tuesday.
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That sandwich looks AMAZING!! Good thing I’m doing some grocery shopping tonight, thanks for the inspiration